Saturday, March 31, 2018

Kurt Cobain can't sing - couldn't. Rest in peace, I guess? Why do people say that: "rest in peace"? Like it's gonna make a difference. They're already in heaven or hell, most think. Are you going to change God's mind? And then, if you're a naturalist, you figure they're gone. They're not returning. And if being dead does somehow suck, a trite sentiment isn't going to change what's happening to them.

Bob Dylan can't sing, either, but Molly thinks he does okay in his non-protest songs - where he sings. She doesn't like Axel Rose's (Guns 'n' Roses) singing, though. I kind of like it. Turns out "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" (the only song of theirs she likes) is a Bob Dylan song.

For a while, I "didn't like" GnR because I thought it was "wrong." They were on an online list of "Pro-Abortion Bands." Now I realize I don't even know who Rock For Life are, or how they decided who goes on that list. I just trusted any group with "for Life" in their name.

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